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Tag: tech

Chatter #279 – Dr Robert Epstein: Google Is Way Creepier Than You Think

Dr Robert Epstein is a professor and author, the former Editor in Chief of Psychology Today, and the founder of the American Institute for Behavioural Research and Technology. He is also the star of the documentary The Creepy Line, which exposes the massive influence that Google has upon the world.  In this episode,…

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How Tech Is Disrupting Leading Industries

The economy seems to be at a point where leading companies are either dominating the entire market or being dismantled slowly by startup companies. The way we shop, work, dine out, and interact with friends was changing before Covid-19. The pandemic has fueled the fire for acceptance of new technologies and how we…

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Cyber Attacks: Why Hackers Are Going After Universities

Between 2006 and 2013, a total of 550 universities reported experiencing a data breach of some kind. This trend has only increased since then, and universities are getting serious about protecting themselves from these attacks. Where is the threat coming from? In most cases, overseas. Hackers are interested in stealing credit card data,…

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Chatter Episode 37 – Greg Fish on Whether We Are Giving Cambridge Analytica Too Much Credit

Greg Fish is our guest on today’s show, he is a journalist at Rantt and covers a wide range of topics related to data science, psyops, partisanship, and politics. I first came across his work on Medium and have since been fascinated by his insights on the ever growing Cambridge Analytica data scandal….

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